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  • Satyajit Dash
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  • Mar 28, 2024 | 09:36 AM
This article will introduce you to chronic inflammation, which is fueled by unhealthy habits and environmental factors, and explain how to counteract it with anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 06:22 AM
In this article, we explored the topic of heavy metal poisoning, which occurs when the body accumulates excessive amounts of heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, nickel, and uranium.
  • Dr. Rashmi Chandwani
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 06:40 AM
Uncover the profound impact of correcting and restoring gut health on autoimmune diseases, as we delve into the intricate connections between the gut, immune system, and overall well-being.
  • Dr. Rashmi Chandwani
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 06:44 AM
In this blog, we will cover the phenomenon known as the dawn effect, which involves a rise in blood sugar levels during the early morning hours.
  • Dr. Rashmi Chandwani
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 06:47 AM
Depression is a complex mental condition that goes beyond temporary sadness. You should seek help from a doctor or mental health professional for effective treatment. There's hope and support available.
  • Satyajit Dash
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 07:04 AM
In this blog, we will learn about the intricate relationship between the gut microbiota and autoimmune diseases.
  • Dr. Rashmi Chandwani
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 07:08 AM
In this blog, we will learn about the impact of epigenetics on various diseases, including cancer, autoimmune disorders, and allergic conditions.
  • Dr. Rashmi Chandwani
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 07:11 AM
This blog explores the relationship between gut microbiota, epigenetics, and various health conditions. We'll discuss how the gut microbiota affects brain function, including anxiety, mood, cognition, and pain.
  • Dr. Rashmi Chandwani
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 07:19 AM
In this blog, we will delve into the wonders of vitamin B12, a vital nutrient for our overall health and well-being. From exploring its numerous benefits to discovering the best dietary sources and understanding the need for supplementation.
  • Dr. Rashmi Chandwani
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 07:23 AM
Today, let's talk about high blood pressure. You may have heard it referred as the "silent killer" because it often goes unnoticed until it causes serious health complications.
  • Dr. Rashmi Chandwani
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  • Apr 01, 2024 | 07:23 AM
Today, let's talk about high blood pressure. You may have heard it referred as the "silent killer" because it often goes unnoticed until it causes serious health complications.
  • Satyajit Dash
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  • Mar 28, 2024 | 09:36 AM
This article will introduce you to chronic inflammation, which is fueled by unhealthy habits and environmental factors, and explain how to counteract it with anti-inflammatory lifestyle.