8 Health Benefits of Peppermint you Should Know

Apr 08, 2024
Written By Meenakshi Rana

Peppermint is much more than just a flavoring for your gums and candies. The therapeutic and herbal effects of peppermint tea and peppermint essential oils have been known for ages. Today, modern research continues to prove that peppermint is one of nature's most valuable herbal remedies. 

Read on to know about the numerous health benefits of peppermint!

Peppermint is a natural hybrid cross between water mint and spearmint. Native to Europe and the Middle East, peppermint today is widely grown and cultivated across the world. You can use fresh or dried peppermint leaves in peppermint tea or with other herbs in preparing herbal teas. Use peppermint for flavoring ice cream, candy, fruit preserves, chewing gum, toothpaste, and some shampoos, soaps, and skincare products.

Did You Know?
    - Ancient Greeks believed mint could cure hiccups.
    - Peppermint is the most extensively used volatile oil, both commercially and medicinally.
    - It is the number 1 selling flavor among non-chocolate, hard candies.

Peppermint helps improve digestion, reduce pain, eliminate inflammation, aids weight loss, and provides relief from nausea, headache, fatigue, and depression. Peppermint oil helps relieve pain and maintains hair and skin health.


This low-calorie herb is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium, and dietary fibers. Additionally, inhaling the peppermint aroma may enhance memory and relief stress.

Health Benefits of Peppermint

Let’s have a deeper look into the health benefits of peppermint.

Boosts Immunity

The anti-bacterial properties of mint prevent bacterial infections, which are the root cause of many illnesses. Tracing quantities of potassium, calcium, vitamin B, and antioxidants promote nutrient uptake and also fight off pathogens invading the body, thereby boosting the body's immunity.

Prevents Cancer

Studies have shown that the phytonutrients present in peppermint help prevent the growth of cancerous tumors in the pancreas, liver, and mammary glands. Additionally, the menthol present in peppermint inhibits prostate cancer growth.

Improves Liver Function

Fresh and dried peppermint leaves aid in liver functioning by increasing bile flow, breaking down fats, and reducing bad cholesterol. It is also used in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), as it calms and soothes the digestive system and cures a plethora of digestive ailments like indigestion, dyspepsia, and colonial muscle spasms.

Relieves Nausea and Vomiting

In cases of motion sickness, peppermint reduces the chances of vomiting and nausea and hence acts as an antispasmodic. As an antispasmodic, it relieves you of the irritating sensation. Due to its cooling effect and anti-inflammatory properties, peppermint reduces inflammation, stomach aches, and queasiness.


Aids Weight Loss

Mint is a natural stimulant that triggers the release of digestive enzymes and aids in digestion. This facilitates the efficient absorption of nutrients from food. In addition, the aroma from its leaves also helps in controlling appetite, thereby reducing overeating and preventing obesity.

Reduces Stress 

Sniffing mint or drinking mint tea can make you feel happy and relieved all day, thanks to the natural sedative nature of menthol, which provides relief from mental stress. Peppermint is widely used in aromatherapy because of its anti-inflammatory nature, which helps lower blood pressure and body temperature. It also allows for unwinding and feeling relaxed by relieving all stress.

Treats Respiratory Disorders

Mint helps provide relief from coughs by relaxing the muscles of the throat and chest. Mint leaves contain rosmarinic acid, which can neutralize free radicals and block the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals such as leukotrienes due to its antioxidant properties. It also helps reduce the symptoms of asthma and sinusitis.

Kills Bad Breath

Ayurvedic medicine involves using powdered peppermint leaves to treat bad breath and whiten teeth. The anti-bacterial property helps eliminate germs that can lead to halitosis (bad breath). Chewing mint gives a cool and refreshing aftertaste as a mouth freshener due to the presence of menthol, which neutralizes the foul smell.

peppermint tea

How to have it?

For integrating peppermint into your daily routine, you can simply use the mint leaves for preparing peppermint tea, soups, and sauces or for garnishing green salads.

Whether you want to add flavor to your dish or want to get rid of bad breath, peppermint is the solution. Peppermint is a powerful herb that can boost your immune system as well as help you get rid of a plethora of health ailments. So, adding a few leaves to your diet won’t just refresh your taste but will also cool your mind and senses.

Disclaimer: Menthol might act as an allergen in some and can cause heartburn in others.

Nutritional Information
    100g of peppermint provides 70 Calories, Carbs – 15g (Dietary fiber – 8g), Protein – 3.8g, Fat – 0.9g, Sodium – 31mg
    And a percentage daily value of Vitamin A - 85%, Vitamin C – 24%, Iron - 28%, Calcium - 24% (based on a 2000-calorie diet).