Benefits of Structured Water

Apr 08, 2024
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Structured water is a type of water that is said to have unique properties due to its molecular structure. Unlike tap water, which can be acidic and contain harmful chemicals, structured water is alkaline and free from pollutants. Structuring water involves energizing it with positive frequencies that align the water molecules into a more regular hexagonal shape. The outcome is water that is pure, energized, and has enhanced properties that offer a range of health benefits.

What is structured Water?

Structured water is water that has a more ordered and structured molecular arrangement compared to regular tap water. While there is ongoing research on structured water and its potential benefits, the concept is still controversial and not fully understood by the scientific community.

Methods of Preparation

There are several methods that people use to source or prepare structured water. One popular method is through the use of specific devices, such as vortexes or water structuring units, which are designed to create a vortex or spin in the water, creating a more ordered molecular structure.


Another method is through exposure to natural sources of energy, such as sunlight, which some people believe can help to structure water. Sun-charged water is simply water that has been exposed to sunlight, and while it may have some potential health benefits, it is not necessarily considered structured water.


It's also possible to prepare structured water at home by using simple methods like adding minerals or salts to the water or by exposing it to certain types of electromagnetic fields. However, the effectiveness of these methods in creating structured water is still a matter of debate.

Benefits of Structured Water

1. Helps with ADHD

Structured water can help individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other attention problems by increasing their concentration and improving their mood. A study found that children with ADHD who drank structured water had improved cognitive function and fewer behavioral problems than those who drank regular water. The energized water helped balance their brain activity, reduced stress, and improved their focus and attention.


2. Improves Digestion

Structured water can help improve digestion and prevent stomach-related problems such as acid reflux and constipation. The structured molecules help transport nutrients to the cells more efficiently, ensuring better absorption and faster digestion. Moreover, the hexagonal shape of structured water molecules is thought to be more compatible with the body's cells and tissues, improving water absorption and hydration.

3. Boosts Immunity

The hexagonal structure of structured water also helps improve the body's immune system. Structured water provides more oxygen to the cells, which makes them more resistant to disease-causing bacteria and viruses. In addition, structured water helps flush out toxins from the body, strengthening the liver and kidneys' functions and improving overall immunity.


4. Helps with Autism

Structured water is said to be very beneficial for individuals with autism. It is believed to improve cognitive function, lessen anxiety, and improve relaxation by reducing stress levels in the body. Its impact on the central nervous system can also improve behavior and reduce the frequency of meltdowns in children with the condition. Studies have shown that structured water helps calm down the nervous system, providing relief to those experiencing hyperactivity or high levels of stress.


5. Regulates Blood Sugar

Structured water is useful in regulating blood sugar levels for individuals living with diabetes. Research suggests that structured water molecules contain a lower surface tension, which helps them pass through cell membranes more quickly. This can increase the efficacy of insulin, helping the body better regulate blood sugar levels. Additionally, structured water can improve the body's absorption of glucose for energy, which can overall improve diabetes management.

6. Anti-aging Benefits

Structured water has anti-aging benefits as it hydrates the skin and makes it look youthful. It contains antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals, preventing premature aging and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Click here to read our article on how antioxidants help in anti-aging!


7. Reduces Inflammation

Structured water can naturally reduce inflammation in the body. Its hexagonal structure allows it to penetrate deep into tissues and reduce swelling in the joints, muscles, and organs, which can be helpful for those suffering from arthritis or muscle pain. Furthermore, structured water also helps the body flush out toxins, reduce inflammation, and promote overall wellness.


Structured water is gaining popularity as a healthy drinking option, thanks to the scientifically proven benefits it provides. The hexagonal molecular structure helps align the water molecules into a more regular shape, making them more compatible with the body's tissues and organs. Structured water can help with ADHD, autism, diabetes, and other health conditions by improving digestion, enhancing immunity, regulating blood sugar, and reducing inflammation. While more research is needed to confirm some of these benefits, structured water is an excellent alternative to tap water, offering energizing properties that can positively impact overall health.