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Homeopathy Treatment for Infertility

Apr 08, 2024
Written By Meenakshi Rana

Infertility problems have become a common issue in recent years, and there are many treatments available for them. However, most of these treatments are expensive and are not always effective. Homeopathy treatment is a much safer, cheaper, and minimally side-effects approach that can help you effectively deal with infertility!

Infertility is the failure of a couple to reproduce after having unprotected sex for one year. There are two types of infertility.

  • Primary: where the couple is trying for a baby the first time
  • Secondary: where the couple has already conceived and trying for another one.


Infertility is just not a Female Problem

Many think infertility is a problem that only women face but this is not true. Even men face the problem of being infertile and in some cases, the fault is found in men's reproductive organs.

Statistics of Infertility

How to Diagnose whether you, your Partner or both are Infertile?

There are certain symptoms to keep in mind:

  • The main symptom of infertility is not being able to conceive.
  • At times, an infertile woman may suffer from irregular menses or amenorrhea.
  • An infertile man can show signs of hormonal problems, including changes in sexual function or hair growth.



There are many reasons or causes for infertility which are either found separately in men and women or combined.

Some of them are: 

  • Related to men, like abnormal sperm production or problems in delivering sperm.
  • Related to women, such as ovulation disorders, fallopian tube blockage, and cervix abnormalities.
  • There are a few cases where both are responsible, for instance, consumption of intoxicants (alcohol, cigarettes), bad habits, stress, diabetes, trying to conceive at a very advanced age, etc.

When dealing with infertility, a man or woman may undergo emotional changes and depression. Infertility has an intense psychological effect; the person starts feeling rejected from his or her group, which further leads to depression, anxiety, and stress. Research shows that stress is a major factor as well as the primary reason for infertility problems.

Issues with Conventional Treatment

Most people assume conventional treatment methods involving surgeries and allopathic medications are the only solution to treating infertility. However, all these treatments are riddled with undesirable side effects for both men and women.


For instance, the most popular infertility treatment, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), is known to cause a high incidence of ectopic pregnancies, which is a condition wherein the embryo gets implanted in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. It may also produce multiple pregnancies. Another known treatment, IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), can increase the risk of having multiple babies, which in turn leads to miscarriage, premature delivery, gestational diabetes, low birth weight, high blood pressure, complications during birth, etc., and the risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). Hyperovulation may inflate the body’s estrogen level, which leads to inflammation of the ovaries. Extended ovaries can lead to bloating, severe abdominal pain, vomiting or nausea, and breathing issues.


Hormonal treatments come with a multitude of side effects of their own. All these conventional treatments can prove to be more harmful than beneficial in the long run. Additionally, such treatments are expensive, making them inaccessible to most.

Homeopathy Treatment

Various treatments are available for couples to choose from; however, which one to select is always a dilemma. You should opt for a treatment that is safe, natural, and has minimal side effects. Homeopathic treatment could be your answer! It is non-intrusive, safe, and toxin-free, unlike conventional medicines and treatment methods.homeopathy

Homeopathy remedies are a natural way of treating as it uses the body's own defenses to cure the infertile condition. It takes into account the symptoms as well as the unique physical, mental, and genetic make-up of a person. Homeopathy focuses on the person as a whole. Homeopaths believe that the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical factors are interconnected, and no single factor is taken in isolation while determining the treatment.

The Approach

Homeopathy works at the root level of the disease; therefore, before starting the treatment for infertility, a detailed case analysis is done. Couples are asked general questions related to their physical, mental, and other aspects of their health, followed by the symptoms they are experiencing. A root-cause diagnosis is done to ascertain the right treatment approach for the couple.

Treatment for Females


Homeopathy treats female patients suffering from infertility, some of the causes for women infertility are:

  • Acid vaginal discharges: Where the vaginal discharges are acrid, destructive, and kill the sperm. Vaginal discharge is like the white of an egg—copious, warm, acrid, honey-colored, creamy—and the smell of the discharge is also sour.
  • Too profuse or too prolonged periods (menorrhagia): Leucorrhoea, anemia, tiredness, fatigue, and weakness may also persist with heavy bleeding during menses. The periods also appear before time.
  • Short, scanty periodsInfertility in women who have experienced period irregularities since their menarche (the first occurrence of menstruation). The periods always get delayed and never appear on the expected date. The menstrual discharge remains for a very short time and is also scant.
  • Decreased sexual desire: Infertility in females occurs when there is an aversion to sex. Excessive masturbation may be the cause of this. The vagina may be excessively dry, along with pain during intercourse.
  • Non-retention of sperms: For women who experience sterility from the non-retention of sperm. Irritating and offensive vaginal discharge may also be present.

Treatment for Males

male sperm

Male symptoms are dissimilar from females, and therefore, a different approach is adopted when treating a male patient. Some causes of male infertility are:

  • Erectile Dysfunction: When both physical ability and sexual desire are absent, genitalia is flaccid, relaxed, and cold. Maybe the sexual desire is present but the genitals are relaxed along with weak erections, impotency with mental depression. Weak, slow erections with rapid emissions. Involuntary semen discharges may also occur.
  • Low sperm count (Oligospermia)
  • Swollen testicles (Orchitis): When the testicles are hard, swollen, and enlarged or when a history of suppressed sexual desire is also present.
  • Infertility in males with wasting of testes: A trophy of testes, prostate enlargement, or prostatitis.
  • Low sperm morphology: Sperm morphology refers to the size, shape, and appearance of a man’s sperm, which, when abnormal, can decrease fertility and make it more difficult to fertilize a woman’s egg. Sperm can be misshaped based on the size of the head, having an extra head, or having no head or tail. Other sperm defects include a bent tail, a coiled tail, a stump tail, and not having the tail attached at the correct location.

A homeopath plans the treatment individually for each patient, by considering his or her bodily and mental instabilities and cautiously selects a remedy that treats the root causes of infertility as well as the anxiety, stress, and pain symptoms associated with it.

Benefits of Homeopathy Treatment for Infertility

The major benefit of homeopathy is that even after the treatment, the positive results are maintained in the body without any painful side effects. Homeopathy works by:

  • Improving ovulation cycles: It regulates and balances the body’s hormones, menstrual cycle and enhances the ovulation process in females
  • Increases sperm count and improves sperm motility: In males, it helps to increase the sperm count, their motility, and also their morphology by naturally stimulating the body.
  • Discarding any emotional blockages and negative thoughts that may affect fertility


  • Reduces stress
  • Helps in dealing with depression and anxiety
  • Curing the side effects of other therapies
  • Homeopathy helps to fight the mental obstructions, instabilities, and confusing thought processes, which can result in infertility disorders.

Thus, homeopathy treatment can be an affordable and effective approach for many couples to treat their infertility issues.


Infertility problems can be avoided if preventive measures are taken by the couple, such as avoiding overconsumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine, as well as maintaining good overall health (mental, emotional, and physical). However, if they are suffering from infertility, it is best to look for an effective treatment approach. Couples dealing with infertility can benefit from the homeopathic treatment approach without the use of aggressive techniques.