The Benefits of Hugging Trees

Apr 09, 2024

One of many things that we have observed is that whenever we separate children from nature, they end up calculating a net microbiome that is not sufficiently diversified. Keep in mind that it does not include enough old friends that are referred to as long-standing species that human beings have evolved within the millennia over devolution. Presently, we all live in cities that have more concrete and metal-based infrastructure. It includes fewer plants, fewer animals, less diversity of flora and fauna in general, less dirt, and altogether fewer aspects of nature. In general, if you are unable to get as much exposure from our old friends who have been with us since we were evolving, your microbiome will look quite different than usual. It is significant for us, those who especially reside in cities and urban environments, to have a healthy habit of getting out in nature on a day-to-day basis to keep in connection with the natural world and be healthy.


Nature Deficit Disorder

It refers to the negative repercussions of separation from nature for a long period of time. Our disconnection from nature can have negative effects on mental and physical health. Several studies indicate a wide range of positive effects and changes on our health from our daily connection with nature and the presence of trees around us.

Hugging trees

Let’s Hug Trees for Healing

Literature shows several positive health benefits for human beings associated with the practice of quitting or the habit of immersing oneself in nature. This can cause positive physiological and psychological effects and can lead to better health in general. Hugging a tree is a beautiful technique for letting yourself be in connection with nature. These green trees soak up our negative energies and fill us with positive energy. We are filled with a lot of enthusiasm, happiness, and relaxation when we are hugging the trees, and our negative vibrations are taken away from us. Lately, there has been a promising recognition of the many benefits of spending time in forests and woodlands for human well-being. There is no doubt that a green environment and spending time in nature can offer a lot of health benefits for all ages.


Why should we Hug a Tree?

Trees possess an energy frequency or vibration

This particular energy frequency or vibration has the potential and power to heal us. It has a significant effect on us. Spending time among trees can have significant improvements in many health issues, such as ADHD, depression, headaches, and other various mental illnesses that can bother human beings. Having a calming, relaxing walk in the forest and experiencing the nature around us can have a lot of soothing effects. It can result in a lowering of BP and heart rate and it has the potential to induce a positive mood by reducing anxiety levels.

Emission of phytoncides by the trees

This can be absorbed through our skin, or we can inhale it into our bloodstream. A few of these can trigger endorphin release in the body, and a few of them can even activate enzymes and bodily systems to encourage a rebalancing of health perception and physical well-being. Some of these phytoncides can increase the activity of “natural killer” cells — the true warriors of our immune system that keep us safe from infections and other diseases.

Tree hugging could lead to better social behavior

Humans, by nature, are social beings. Hugging results in the release of oxytocin, which relaxes us and makes us feel warm and calm. Oxytocin is responsible for feeling calm and emotional bonding in humans. So, whenever you hug a tree, the hormones serotonin and dopamine make you feel better and can improve your mood. It soothes and strengthens the body and mind and encourages well-being.

Grounding along with tree-hugging

The vibrational patterns of the trees have a healing and soothing effect; this can help us feel more grounded and in touch with our real selves. Grounding helps in neutralizing the side effects of nonnative electromagnetic fields in cellular networks, electrical appliances, wi-fi, etc., which have become a regular part of our lives today.


How can you do Tree-Hugging?

  • Step outside from the indoors and go into nature and appreciate the trees available to you.
  • Select a tree that appeals to you or that you feel connected to.
  • Wrap your arms around the tree.
  • Feel it and appreciate it with your hands and arms.
  • Practice deep breathing to get settled and feel present. Breathe in through your nose, hold for five seconds, then slowly exhale through your mouth.
  • Close your eyes to feel the tree through your other senses. Try to pay attention to the texture of the bark and the smell of nature.
  • When you feel like you have spent enough time with the tree, stop the hugging and step back from it.
  • You can consider bowing to the tree to conclude your hugging meditation and to show nature some gratitude.

Being in direct contact with nature can increase mental health and psychological development, and it can also strengthen spirituality. So it would be a great idea to go and hug a tree, breathe in the fresh air that it filters for you, and notice how much calmer and stronger you feel.