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Alcohol Free Breastmilk – Let’s Find out the Wait Time!

Apr 09, 2024
Written By YS Content

I have come up with a calculator, with support from my team, to calculate the time after which it is safe to breastfeed alcohol-free breast milk. Try it out now!

Abstinence from alcohol is the safest option for breastfeeding mothers. Evidently, exposure to alcohol above permissible levels through breast milk could be damaging to an infant’s development, growth, and sleep patterns. Alcohol consumption above moderate levels may also impair a mother’s judgment and ability to safely care for her child. However, if your body is a powerhouse, If you consume smartly, you can enjoy the best of both worlds and feed your baby guilt-free!

Breast Milk Banks

Now you can Calculate the Wait for Breastfeeding your Baby after Drinking!

How easy would it be if you knew how much time you should wait to breastfeed after drinking? So, here is a calculator to make your life easier. If you enter your weight and the number of drinks you had or intend to have, it will tell you the approximate time for alcohol-free breast milk. Interesting, isn't it?

storing and using breast milk

However, please remember that avoiding alcohol is the best and safest option for your baby. Whenever you wish to drink socially, use this tool to estimate the ‘time period’ for which you need to wait before nursing. In case you want to know more about how to manage ‘drinking’ while you’re breastfeeding your baby, you can read my post on ‘Alcohol and Breastfeeding: All You Need to Know'.

P.S. – You have to start calculating the time as you begin drinking to calculate accurate wait for breastfeeding.

Please note:

  • This calculator is based on the paper published in 2001; Ho E, Collantes A, Kapur BM, Moretti M, Koren G. Alcohol and breastfeeding: calculation of time to zero level in milk. Biol Neonate. 2001;80(3):219-22
  • A standard drink is considered as 12oz of beer (5% alcohol), 5oz of table wine (11% alcohol), or 1.5oz of liquor (40% alcohol).
  • The height of an average reference woman (5 feet 4 inches) is constant.
  • The alcohol elimination rate of 15 mg/dl/h is considered as constant.
