Social Environment in Spectrum and Role of Mother's Mental Health

Jun 09, 2024
Written By YS Content

The social development of children is influenced by their physical surroundings, like housing, parents’ work, friends, neighbors, schools, and how they interact. However, for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), this does not come easy. 

What affects the child has an impact not only on the child but on the entire family.

Understanding the Social Environment 

First of all, what does this social environment comprise? The three main components of social relationships are physical surroundingscommunity resources, and social relationships

  • Physical surroundings are housing, schooling, employment, and space for recreation like parks, gyms, or play areas.
  • Community resources are the community structures that fuel the development of the entire community or country. For example, a socio-economically deprived country may not be adequate to meet the needs of its children.
  • Social relationships are how children interact with their surroundings, friends, family, and neighbors and build relationships.

Alterations in the Social Environment in the Spectrum

For any child, the social environment affects the nature and quality of relationships within the family and neighborhood. For children on the spectrum, participating socially can become a challenge, augmenting their growth. Studies have suggested that even to participate in physical activity, several individual and environmental factors play a role for children with ASD. 

Many people with autism genuinely want to be friends, but they may find it challenging to form and maintain those relationships. Overcoming these challenges requires ultimate parental support and resilience. 

Difficulty Recognizing Social Cues

For children with spectrum disorders, predicting or interpreting the social cues of their peers or even of their parents becomes difficult. Though they may lack this behavior, with adequate social support, they can learn.

Difficulty in Receptive Communication

Autistic children tend to take things verbally spoken for literally. They may find it hard to associate the rhythm of the conversation, like tone, with the words spoken. This makes it harder for them to understand the intended context. Parents have to be cautious about the words they use around their children. 

Difficulty in Expressive Communication

With autism, expressing oneself through verbal or non-verbal communication can become a little tedious. While some may have developed language lately and some may have a well-developed vocabulary but face difficulty delivering, Also, the lack of eye contact can hinder social interaction by making them appear to be rude or disinterested. 

Role of Mothers’ Mental Health

All these alterations in the social environment compared to the traditional set-up can significantly affect the parent’s mental health. Many studies have been done to understand the toll on mothers’ mental health and the factors affecting it when dealing with children on the autism spectrum. 

The presence of greater mental health problems is found among mothers who have children with ASD. Socioeconomic status (SES), child diagnosis, child gender, and child behavioral and emotional problems were significant risk factors associated with reduced maternal mental health. 

So, what can act as a protective factor and reduce this risk among mothers?

  • Maternal resilience
  • Family functioning 
  • Practical coping strategies 

Studies suggest that these factors can help modulate relationships and handle alterations in a social environment more effectively and lessen the burden. 


In autism spectrum disorder, the mother’s mental health is intertwined with the child’s development. Though managing both can never be easy, it is important to provide them with a supportive environment that gives them the time, chance, and space to manage their well-being. It is also advisable for mothers to undergo certain therapies or participate in recreational activities to promote their mental health during their journey. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can improving a mother's mental health positively affect a child with autism?

Yes, improving a mother's mental health can enhance her ability to manage the child's needs, reduce family stress, and create a more positive and stable home environment, which can benefit the child's development and well-being.

2. How important is it for mothers to connect with other parents of children with autism?

Connecting with other parents of children with autism can provide emotional support, share practical advice, and create a sense of community, which can alleviate feelings of isolation and improve mental health.

3. Are there specific interventions that can support both the mother and child in families dealing with autism?

Family therapy, parent training programs, and interventions that focus on building coping skills and reducing stress for both mother and child can be highly effective in supporting families dealing with autism.

4. What impact does a mother's stress level have on a child with autism?

High levels of maternal stress can negatively impact a child's behavior and emotional regulation. Conversely, lower stress levels in mothers can lead to a more stable and supportive environment for the child.