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Diabetes Reversal vs. Diabetes Management

Apr 09, 2024
Written By YS Content

The diabetes reversal technique is required to cure the fastest-growing epidemic, with 72 million cases recorded in 2017, a figure expected to double by 2025. It is now believed that diabetes reversal seems to be unfeasible or impossible.

Reverse Diabetes

In such a scenario, how to cure diabetes permanently is based on a management strategy focusing mainly on treating the symptoms by indirectly reducing blood sugar in the short term.

In diabetes (T2), blood sugar is a symptom of the underlying problem of insulin resistance and carbohydrate intolerance, so when we manage diabetes by indirectly reducing blood sugar, we are only treating the symptoms of the disease and not addressing the root cause.

While reducing blood sugar can protect one from the negative effects of chronic high blood sugar, one has to stay on top of the management strategies all the time for this strategy to succeed.

On the other hand, there are two types of diabetes –

1) Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease. In people with type 1 diabetes, cells in the pancreas that make insulin are destroyed, and the body cannot make insulin.

2) Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes (T2) reversal strategies focus on fixing the underlying problems of insulin resistance and carbohydrate intolerance that are driving the symptoms of high blood sugar. People are reluctant to accept the fact that due to overconsumption of carbohydrates in our daily food plate, ignoring other two macro-nutrients coupled with inactivity, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and insufficient sleep, slowly with age, our body is getting carbohydrate intolerance and leading towards insulin resistance.

In all those cases, those who were successfully able to reverse their diabetes conditions fully understood their cases and accordingly adapted to a healthier eating and physically active lifestyle, which is sustainable and helpful for them to maintain a normal blood sugar level without medication.

types of diabetes

Diabetes Reversal Success Stories

I present you below 4 Diabetic reversal success stories, with whom I have been associated very closely for the last couple of years.

Mr. Mahesh Gupta, Entrepreneur, Khanna, Punjab

On 12th October 2018 posted on my Facebook Group

“Sugar no’s are amazing for me….. It’s all yours. With LCHF way of eating, never taken medicine in last 1.5 years. No blood sugar, no hyper tension…….”

On 12th January 2018 posted on my Facebook Group

Thrown all diabetic medicines in dustbin because of you. Following LCHF way of eating is so simple and now I have started fasting also. ( Going against the conventional belief of diabetics should never Fast).

On 20th April 2018, Mr. Gupta shared a testimonial post on my Closed Facebook group

It is the support I am getting in terms of the right LCHF food that I am eating today. The influence of that one 2-hour seminar was such that even children in the family have started shunning colas, pizza, pasta, processed food, and such. Such was the power of nutritional knowledge.
Let me share an experience. I recall being was to hospitalize during one of my business trips to China when my HbA1c was shot up to 14.4. After all the learning about the low-carb lifestyle and its benefits, when I started following this diet for the last 30 days, my weight was down by approx. 6 kg.
Today the need to write this long story is—first time after detecting sugar, my fasting blood sugar is below 100 (98) with minimal medicine. I hope to reduce it to 70 or 80 without the medicines one day. There is still a long way to go.

My learning todayIgnorance is not the Excuse…….. But again, Ignorance is afraid of change.

  • Those who are diabetics, please read as much as you can. And those who are pre-diabetic or even non-diabetics today but are obese should be more careful and aware of insulin resistance. And it is more dangerous than diabetes. Get yourself tested for insulin resistance periodically.
  • Increase your knowledge by interacting with the right knowledgeable people who are doing wonders silently, helping people reverse their age-old diabetes and not just maintaining it (with medicines and insulin).

Sri K.C.Pathak, Retired Superintending Engineer Water Resources Department, Rajasthan

 Testimonial as received through email on 5th October 2018)

“…..During our very first conversation itself you made me understand the science behind the LCHF diet and cleared a lot of nutritional myths. You are extremely patient and also asked me to start it slow and easy.

It has been over a year and through your guidance I have been able to maintain my blood sugar level as well as weight effectively. People ask me where you get the motivation at this age (I am over 70 years) I tell them “I have an amazing guide”.

Mr. Neeraj Mehendiratta, Financial Consultant, Gurgaon

Testimonial as received through WhatsApp on 9th January 2018)

  • Soon after I shifted to an LCHF diet, I felt excellent and fresh. I have yet to start the gym, but the results are encouraging. I haven’t taken my insulin for a week.
  • The best part is that I see my fasting sugar at 156 after a long while, which used to be around 190 with insulin. And the significant inch loss is an added bonus. Thank you for all your guidance and direction.

Miss Bindu Gollapudi, Entrepreneur, Bangalore

On 4th March 2018 posted on my Facebook Group

So what’s LCHF diet has done to me? 3 weeks – insulin went, 6 months – diabetes went 9 months – ~ 8 inches loss across the body , Migraine vaporized , PCOD is nowhere to be seen. 

Diabetes Reversal


According to the success stories discussed above, being able to do so makes you believe in getting rid of medicines easily, along with giving you a better option of living a diabetic-free life. Kumbhak therapy is providing a solution and a perfect perspective for such a disease, whose diversification seems impossible. Diabetes reversal seems to be very easy under the operations of Kumbhak therapy.

Disclaimer: The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your healthcare provider.
